Why an indoor park?
The more of us there are who have to be able to associate and share experiences outside our homes, the better our public spaces need to be designed to be able to meet the future's major and more complex needs. Stockholm, and many other cities, has a major need for more non-commercial public indoor environments. People who want to get together in an indoor environment outside the home are today, with the possible exception of libraries and certain museums, almost exclusively directed to commercial environments such as shopping malls, restaurants and cafés. The increasingly commercialised inner city means that, for purely economic reasons, large groups of people are circumscribed in their options for socialising outside the home.
Increasing the number of non-commercial spaces is a desire and an ambition which is also clearly expressed in Promenadstaden (the Walkable City), the current structure plan for Stockholm City. Yet we are seeing very little of the development. It is clear that the city needs an injection of strong ideas and concrete realisable projects to manage this. S:t Erik's indoor park is one example of a solution which can create these badly needed environments. S:t Eriksplan is a potentially suitable location, even though the need for these environments is naturally at least as great in many other parts of the city, not least in its outer areas. We would like our park not just to be viewed as a proposal for what can be done specifically in S:t Eriksplan, but rather as the start of a wider discussion on how we can and should manage our existing, and not least future, public environments.